September 1, 2017
If you have never been through a major hurricane then maybe this term is unfamiliar to you, but if you have been hit by one then you are all too familiar with this phrase; “the dirty side of the storm.”
What does that even mean? Well if you were on that side of the swirling winds and bands of rain you know exactly what it is talking about. That is the side of the storm that gets most of the attention. That is the side of the storm that sees the most damage and destruction. That is the side of the storm where the weatherperson stands in the winds and rains to show the viewers the horror of the storm, all the while telling you not to go outside.
The dirty side of the storm receives more rainfall and higher flood waters. The punch and impact of the storm is far greater on that leading side of the storm than the backside.
Hurricanes are terrible things when they make landfall and intersect with our lives. The news quickly points out and follows the dirty side and all the ensuing damage. Graphic photos and statistics overwhelm the weather-channel junkie during these epic storms.
But there is always the “clean side” of the storm too. In the Bible there are many Old Testament Scriptures that would seem to focus on the dirty side of things. The book of Jeremiah is powerful and full of destruction, as well as much of the book of Ezekiel. Reading those books it is easy to only notice God’s anger and judgment, the harsh side. But hidden in those acts is a fine thread of hope and purpose – that God’s people, and those around them would once again follow Him and trust Him.
Tired of the dirty side of Hurricane Harvey? Look at this, the day after the hurricane, did you see first responders out in the flood waters? Did you see your neighbors asking how they can help. Did you see the strangers braving the elements to lend a helping hand?
Reach Youth Global is made up of people that want to make a difference on the dirty side of life. We want to bring hope and healing. We want people to see something good. We want them to know they are loved and valued.
The clean side of this storm is seen when you look at the volunteers that have locked hands and hearts to walk into the dirty side and bring hope and help. The Serve Team of Houston, The Church Global, friends from out of town and complete strangers to Texas and Reach Youth Global – knitted together with heart to make a difference with God’s love for people. We can keep looking at the dirty side, or we can begin to see the other side – the God side. People love because God first loved us. People care because Christ cares for us. People are rescued because God showed us how to rescue when He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for us.
Getting past the dirty side, requires work, sacrifice, going, looking, knocking on doors, offering help etc. What happens after the dirty side of the storm has passed and the volunteer armies appear? You witness what God desires for all, that we see love and hope, His love and His hope.
Unite with ambassadors of hope. Need a team to join? Here is a great alliance to join: The Serve Team Houston, The Church Global, and Reach Youth Global. Add your name and help others to see the God-side of this epic hurricane.